Alright, now that you have yourself some nice soft shackles, how the heck do you use them?? The technique is quite easy and is fairly straight forward. Follow the steps below to properly install your soft shackles.

Step 1

How to use soft shackles - Step 1

Open the noose on the soft shackle.


Step 2

How to use soft shackles - Step 2

Remove the knot from the noose.


Step 3

How to use soft shackles - Step 3

Pass the soft shackle between the objects you would like to connect. Make sure you pad the edges if they are sharp. If the objects you are trying to connect are sharp, it is best to sleeve the soft shackle to protect the load-bearing fibers.


Step 4

How to use soft shackles - Step 4

Reopen the noose.


Step 5

How to use soft shackles - Step 5

Insert knot into the noose and position the noose directly underneath the knot (there should be a visible slot from when the knot was set).


Step 6

How to use soft shackles - Step 6

Milk the shackle towards the noose to ensure the legs are of equal length. Do this by running your hand down the length of the shackle starting at the knot and working your way towards the noose.

Be sure to check and see if the noose is properly closed around the stopper knot (at the base of the knot). The integrity of the soft shackle relies on this noose sitting right up against the stopper knot. Also make sure that the body of the shackle is fully milked down as much as you can.

That's it! For more information on soft shackles, checkout this article: All About Soft Shackles

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