BC Team

The Balance Community Team is dedicated to pushing the sport of slacklining to the limits. Our athletes not only take the sport to new levels with the things that they do, but they also promote our wonderful sport in a positive way in front of the rest of the general public. We look for the athletes that are creating a great name for our sport and themselves with the things that they do. Together with our athletes, Balance Community is taking slacklining to new heights as well as continuing to craft the best products on offer.

Alexander Schulz

Benoît Brume

David Marco

Deb Casimiro

Eli Ellis

Erika Sedlacek

Faith Dickey

Friedi Kühne

Ian Eisenberg

Joaquin Neira

Joe Cronquist

Matheus Vidal

Mia Noblet

Pablo Signoret

Ryan Robinson

Tlaloc Moctezuma Burns

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